Sunday, 24 February 2008

Exercise Can Make the Difference

The onset of man boobs can be enough to send a man screaming into the streets. The more likely scenario will have the man hiding out from family, friends and life in general.

First of all, man boobs is a common condition among males between the ages of 40 to 50 years old. In some cases teenage boys develop the presence of man boobs however this is generally attributed to puberty. Once puberty is completed, the man boobs disappear and life can return to normal. For the other percentage of the male population that suffers from this condition, it is an embarrassing way to walk through life.

Self esteem plummets as self perception is not likely high with the appearance of something that belongs on a woman’s body being part of a man’s body. It does not have to be this way. There are things that can be done and steps a man can take to regain his life from man boobs.

One of the best ways to combat man boobs is through diet and exercise. Many of the foods men love to eat can be attributed to the development of man boobs. The food items by themselves would not be an issue. When the damaging food is combined with a rather sedentary lifestyle that is when the problem sets in. For men looking to avoid going under the knife in a surgical procedure, there are a few general exercise rules of thumb that can be followed to make man boobs disappear.

Various exercises will help reduce the appearance of man boobs. The key is to know what exercises will strengthen the back and chest muscles. Once those have been identified, it is time to hit the gym and start working on that muscle. With the improved development of muscle mass comes a higher level of testosterone in the male body. This will naturally counteract any estrogen levels present in the body and start to shrink that over developed male breast tissue.

Repetition Drills
Some of the greatest exercises for the reduction of man boobs do not involve the gym or weight equipment. These are exercises that can be done from the comfort of a man’s home. For this reason, many start at this point relieved to not have to endure the pressure and stares that might occur at a local gym or fitness club.

A great place to start is with a wide arm press up exercise. This is similar to a normal press up exercise. The exception here is that arms need to be out at twice the shoulder width with fingers pointing forwards. Next is a dumb bell chest press. Here a man lies on a bench or other flat surface with arms extended outward over the shoulders towards the ceiling. Slowly lower the dumb bells until they reach chest level. Draw elbows towards the floor while pulling the dumb bells toward the chest. Complete the movement by pushing the dumb bells back into the starting position. Repeat as often as desired.

Cardio Workouts
Cardio exercise is one of the best ways to burn fat and shape muscle. For male sufferers of man boobs, this is music to their ears. When a cardio workout program is combined with weight training, man boobs do not stand a chance of sticking around. By itself, cardio enables the body to burn an extreme amount of calories in a short period of time. This is desired for men looking to remove excess fat from the body.

Cardio workouts are going to include anything that gets a man’s heart rate up, sweat going and body in motion. This can include aerobic activity, bike riding, running or jumping jacks to name a few. The ideal cardio session should last at least 20 minutes. This gives a body enough time to warm up, start burning calories and cool down a little bit.

When all else fails, get outside and hit the playing field. Tennis, basketball and soccer are great physical activities that work the entire body. Anything that will engage the body in a form of physical activity for a period of 20 minutes or more will burn the fat needed to get rid of unwanted man boobs.

Although man boobs are an undesirable part of a man’s life, there is plenty that can be done about it. With a few simple changes to diet and exercise, those man boobs will disappear in no time. So remember to get up, get out and get moving. Soon the next thing moving on will be the man boobs.

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