Sunday, 24 February 2008

Programs to Reduce Man Boobs

Man Boobs is a common condition among men of all ages in which the man has excessive chest fat. This results in swollen, breast like, pectorals, sometimes with puffy and distorted nipples. Man Boobs, Which is medically called Gynecomastia, isn't a dangerous condition to your physical health, but it still brings misery to millions of men around the world because it destroys self-confidence. Most women don't find Man Boobs attractive and men who have man boobs see their sex life plummet.

There is a wealth of information on the internet focusing around man boobs. Everything from what causes it to how to live with it and more importantly, how to get rid of it can be found with a little investment in some online research time.

Chest Coach System

One such place that boasts a program for men to follow if they want to get rid of their man boobs is called Chest Coach. This site can be found at How To Lose Man Boobs and boasts the ability to teach men how to lose their man boobs the natural way. The fundamental principle with this program is that man boobs are developed through a hormonal imbalance within the male body. To reduce the presence, all a man needs to do is create a new hormonal balance with testosterone.

During the teenage boy years, testosterone levels are completely out of sync as the body undergoes puberty. In a man’s early 20’s things begin to settle down a bit as testosterone levels skyrocket off the hormone charts. The catch here is that not every man experiences this testosterone peak during his 20’s. In fact, the levels often do not return to normal as life progresses. This lack of testosterone contributes to the development of man boobs.

The Chest Coach program walks men through a step by step process of restoring a normal testosterone chemical balance to their systems. The process includes diet tips on what foods to avoid as well as what food enhance the development of male chest muscles. Additional information is provided on exactly what Gynecomastia is and what the causes are. The entire program consists of two instructional booklets and a DVD that contains additional information as well.

Get This off My Chest Now Program

The creative master mind behind this program is a man boobs suffer for over 32 years of his life. Finally, he decided to do something about it. He developed a proven 100% effective, all natural program to help other men get rid of unwanted man boobs.

The program starts off with an instantly available downloadable information book. In this book there are step by step guidelines for achieving a desired male chest. The secret to success outlined in this program is the understanding that what goes into a man’s mouth has a lot to do with what comes out in certain areas of the body.

Many of the foods consumed by men on a daily basis secretly are injected with growth hormones. This is especially true for meat that comes from meat processing farms. Farmers inject cows with a female growth hormone to bulk up the end meat product and enrich the milk supply. For a big meat eating male, this equates to large levels of estrogen being present in the body. These large estrogen levels are a huge contributing factor to the development of man boobs. This program teaches men ways to avoid or lessen the amount of meat consumption on a daily basis.

Another component of this program is an exercise regiment. Knowing that this is more than likely lacking in the average man’s current lifestyle, the program starts off slow and increases as skill level and activity levels rise. Also introduced as part of the exercise regiment is a weight training course that works to reduce man boobs. Cardio exercise must be combined with a weight training program in order to maximize on the fat being burned off and developed into muscle effectively.

The Get This off My Chest Now program includes a series of instructional videos that act as a pictorial guide throughout the process. A fast track video is provided to give users a simple overview of the program so as not to feel overwhelmed once the packaging has been opened.

These are just two examples of the hundreds of thousands of programs available online to reduce the effects of man boobs. The right program is going to vary from man to man depending on the underlying factors in his life. The programs all highlight the same issues which are restoring a natural hormonal balance to the body and following a strict diet and exercise program. In the end, the biggest driving success factor is the individual man’s drive to excel.

Copyright 2008, All Rights Reserved

Surgery to the Rescue of Man Boob Patients

Gynecomastia is a medical condition more commonly known as man boobs. This does not impose any risk to a man’s physical health condition. However, there are mental and psychological ramifications present. Having the appearance of boobs can bring a tremendous hit to a man’s self esteem. While society considers the development of female breasts to be part of normal development, man boobs is looked upon as less than desirable. Very few women find the appearance of man boobs attractive. In turn, a man’s self esteem plummeting even further down the charts.

For those who suffer from the man boob condition, take heart. There are certain things that can be done to correct the situation. The most common options are a change to diet and exercise regimes and surgery.

Surgical procedures to alleviate the presence of man boobs in the male chest area are increasing in popularity within the last couple of years. The premise of a surgical breast procedure for a male simply removes excess breast tissue. In the process, fat is extracted from the breast tissue area and excess skin is removed as well. This leaves a post surgery appearance of a smoother, firmer male breast area.
Performed under a general anesthetic, the entire procedure takes about two hours to complete. Drains are inserted into the breast tissue area to alleviate excess fluids brought on by the surgery. Compression bandages are placed over incision areas in order to reduce swelling. In the case where extreme excess of glandular tissue fat is a major contributing factor to the development of man boobs, this will be removed with a scalpel during the procedure. The incision is made at the areola and the fat is removed. Otherwise, small amounts of fat deposits are removed from various locations throughout the breast.

In most cases the entire procedure can be completed as an out patient day surgery. There are some situations where an overnight stay in the hospital is required. This is up to the discretion of the surgeon performing the procedure.

Once thought of as a cosmetic surgery for women only, liposuction is making its way in the world of male surgical procedures. Last year alone, 27% of males who went under the knife for a cosmetic procedure were receiving liposuction to remove unwanted fat deposits from their breasts. As a whole, liposuction is the second most common medical procedure performed on males following cosmetic nose surgery.
In the case of man boos, liposuction is performed to remove those unwanted fat deposits that have built up in the breast tissue areas. A small incision is made around the areola or in the armpit. Next a vacuum pump with a monitoring device known as a cannula is inserted in the incision area. The Cannula is responsible for breaking up fat deposits in order to create a thinning affect on remaining breast tissue. Once broken down, the fat can then be suctioned out. After this, the only remaining step is to re configure the healthy breast tissue left behind. With the inside breast tissue reshaped, sutures are put into place on the outside to reshape the outward appearance of a man’s chest. This is a process known as chest sculpting.
The amount of glandular tissue present with fat deposits depends on how large of an incision is made at the start of liposuction. Small amounts of fatty deposit build up will not require a very large incision area for extraction. On the other hand, if a majority of the breast contains fatty deposits, then one or more incision may be required in order to properly remove all of the affect breast tissue. In either case, the incisions are closed with sutures that either dissolve on their own or need to be removed after a couple of days.

With each of these surgical procedures, recovery time generally requires minimal to no activity during the first week following the procedures. This is in order to prevent bleeding after surgery as incision areas begin to heal. After this initial week, recovery speeds up quite a bit. Light exercise can be resumed approximately three weeks following the procedures. Life can return to normal within six to eight weeks later.

Surgical procedures are something to be considered on an individual basis. It is certainly the costliest solution to man boobs. However, to the man suffering with the condition every day, money is simply not an object of consideration here. Surgery provides a way for a man to have his life back. He no longer has to shy away from outdoor activities or going out in public. The fear of ridicule and teasing disappears and life can begin again.

Copyright 2008, All Rights Reserved

Not all Medication Can Have a Good Result

As a whole, medication can be a good thing. It can cure ailments in the body. It can relieve cold symptoms. It can even reverse damage done to the body. In the case of man boobs however, medication can be at the root cause of the condition. One of the reasons for the development of man boobs is an excess of estrogen in the male body. Certain medications, prescription and recreational, have a tendency to emit high doses of estrogen into the male body and do more harm than good.

Man Boobs or moobs as it is sometimes called, are fat deposits that build up in the pectoral and chest areas of a man. This common condition does not damage physical health. The only real damage as a result of man boobs is to the man’s ego. Self esteem virtually plummets when the presence of man boobs presents itself. There are not too many women who find breasts on a man to be attractive. As a result, the man’s relationship life is fairly non-existent.

The most common age group to be affected by man boobs is males between the ages of 40to 50 years old. Although it is a fairly common condition among teenage boys, the onset of man boobs disappears once puberty is finished.

Prescription medication is given by a medical professional and dosed out by a pharmacist. Although a common condition, man boobs is an extremely embarrassing issue for many men to talk about with family and friends, let alone a medical professional. Chances are if there was no physical examination performed, the medical professional did not come across the man boob situation. Therefore, many prescribe medication that ends up directly counteracting the effects of a man boob condition.

Some of the more common ones prescribed are corticosteroids, ulcer medications, anti cancer medicines and antidepressants. This list is predominately to treat a separate medical condition other than man boobs. Given that a man is not likely to willingly mention the presence of this condition, a medical professional has virtually no way of knowing the toxic mix being prescribed.

There is a variety of prescription medication that directly promotes glandular breast growth in men. Cimetidine, Omeprazole, and Spironolactone are medications that can be found on this list. Each of the prescription medications listed here treat a variety of underlying medical conditions. The one commonality among them is the ability to alter hormonal levels in the male body. Two hormones at the top of this list are testosterone and estrogen.

When testosterone is found in the male body, it is business as usual. On the other hand, when estrogen is present, it can trick the body into processing as if it were a female body. This is how breast tissue develops and man boobs are present. The good news is that many prescription medications can be counteracted with non-hormone changing medications.

Every man can recall the first time he saw or heard an anti-drug campaign advertisement. It may have been on the side of a bus, from the school counselor or on a television commercial between his favorite television shows. Despite these warning, there will come a time in his life when he will consider giving recreational drugs a try. Outside of the presence of man boobs, this is just looked upon as a part of the growth process.

When man boobs figure into the equation, things change a little bit. Marijuana in particular is not a friendly addition to man boobs. The main active ingredient of marijuana is TCH. This is a direct testosterone suppressant. A body depletes itself of any available testosterone and finds estrogen in its place. With a hormonal balance raging inside, it is like a ticking time bomb. It is only a matter of time before man boobs present in even the smallest size.

Along with marijuana, there are a few other recreational drugs that men should avoid at all costs. The next one is heroin. This is perhaps the most widely used recreational drug making the rounds. Heroin works in much the same way as marijuana. The drug depletes a man’s body of testosterone. With this absence, estrogen begins production and thus man boobs are born.

Make no mistake, man boobs will not sprout on a man’s chest from one try of a recreational drug. Still that is not a reason to run out and find the next available drug dealer. Recreational drugs need to consume a significant portion of a man’s life in order to factor into the man boob equation.

Copyright 2008, All Rights Reserved

Gynecomastia and How it Affects Men

The medical term Gynecomastia evokes fear in any man who has heard the dreaded words from a doctor or other trusted medical professional. A more common reference for this term is man boobs or moobs as it is often referred to. Although this is a common medical disorder among men, the physical results present an embarrassing lifestyle environment.

One of the hardest hits to a man faced with the Gynecomastia medical condition is self esteem. It is virtually impossible for a man to feel good about himself when faced with man boobs as part of his physical appearance. Many women are instantly turned off by this factor before a man is able to utter one kind word out of his mouth. This situation alone makes a sex life seem non-existent for the duration of a man’s life.

It is important for a man suffering from man boobs due to Gynecomastia to better understand the condition and what can be done to improve his quality of life for the better.

Gynecomastia is a condition where the male mammary glands grow to an unusually large size. These glands are responsible for the production of milk. When this occurs, breast enlargement issues often produce the secretion of milk. The main age groups to see this condition are neonatal, teenagers and elderly males. For teenage boys, the condition is viewed more as a body response to stress which coincides with the normal teenage puberty growth spurts. As it is not related to obesity, the man boobs tend to disappear once a teenage boy has completed puberty.

Outside of this male age group, the root cause of Gynecomastia is unknown. Medical professionals have pinpointed possible causes as an imbalance of sex hormones, an increase in breast tissue size or the way a body chooses to deposit fat into chest tissue areas. Environmental factors also play a role in developing Gynecomastia. Factors such as alcohol consumption, recreational drug use and medication side effects are possible causes medical professionals take into consideration.

Another cause group of Gynecomastia is a male body reaction to certain developments such as a testicular tumor or other testicular occurrence. In the situation where a testicular tumor develops, there is a likely hood of the male body receiving an overdose of estrogen. As the body produces estrogen, the natural response is to increase the growth of breast tissue. On the other side of this equation is the decrease of testosterone in a male body. This can be attributed to testicular failure or a genetic disease known as Klinefelter Syndrome.

For the most part, there is no identifiable cause for the development of Gynecomastia in males.

Identification and Prognosis
Gynecomastia is identifiable through a physical examination performed by a medical professional. An ultra sound or x-ray is utilized to confirm a medical professional’s findings during this physical examination. Once confirmed, blood tests are ordered to ensure that there is no underlying medical condition contributing to the presence of Gynecomastia.

There is no physical health risk or detriment to suffering from Gynecomastia. Far more substantial will be the painful psychological and mental pain a man will endure as a result of Gynecomastia. Having to be present in the world with man boobs is not pleasant for any member of the male species. In the event the condition has been triggered by excessive weight gain, taking that weight off will help ease some of the condition effects.

In terms of the best treatment for Gynecomastia, that is best left up to the discretion of a male patient and his medical professional. If the condition is caused by an underlying medical issue, the medical professional will elect to treat that issue first. The hope here is that the Gynecomastia begins to subside as the treatment of the separate medical issue is handled.

Several medications are available with a prescription to help treat Gynecomastia. Examples of medications often selected are the estrogen reducing drugs of tamoxifen and clomiphene. Another medical option sometimes introduced into treatment is the drugs used to treat breast and ovarian cancer in women. This does not mean a man has cancer; it is just a viable defense towards treating an abnormal growth of breast tissue in the body.

After a period of two to three years, the breast tissue begins to harden. In this case, it is no longer possible to work on reducing the breast tissue growth. Now the only viable treatment option is surgical. Surgery options range from liposuction to radiation therapy.

While Gynecomastia and the presence of man boobs is hard to live with, it is something that can easily be treated. Self esteem can be restored by knowing that something is being done about the problem at hand.

Copyright 2008, All Rights Reserved

Men, Food and the Dreaded “M” Word

Every man knows about them. Every man dreads getting them. Some go to great lengths to avoid seeing them. Others expect their arrival with the type of lifestyle choices being made. What is it? Man boobs. Typically they make an appearance in males between the ages of 40 and 50 years old. On occasion, that appearance comes a little earlier in life. There are teenage boys that see man boobs as a part of puberty. Thankfully, these disappear in plenty of time before love life damage is done.

More men however see the man boobs stay for the duration. This has a direct affect on self esteem. Not too many women find the presence of man boobs to be an attractive male feature. As if having man boobs were not enough, these are often accompanied by puffy and distorted nipples. All of these factors rolled into one serve a pretty good blow to the male ego.

It helps to understand some of the factors in a man’s life that could possibly be contributing to the presence of man boobs. One prominent cause factor lies in food selection. There are a number of foods that should be avoided whenever possible. By doing so, a man reduces his risk of developing man boobs.

Soy Products
Whether in bean or pure form, too much soy in a man can lead to problems later on down the road. Soy contains plant hormones that are known as phytoestrogens. These levels are not of a high enough concentration as to have estrogen related behavioral or psychological responses in the body. The plant hormone is enough to trick the body into thinking it is receiving estrogen on a regular basis. This read by the body of supposed estrogen presence leads to the natural development of breast tissue.

Another factor of soy is the high rate at which it allows the body to store fat. As the fat stores, small deposits begin to develop on breast and pectoral tissue. Ingested soy on a regular basis will lower the level of testosterone and raise the level of estrogen in a man’s body. This raised level of estrogen mixed with the high rate of fat storage leads to problems in men. Over time as the fat continues to build and estrogen rises, the development of man boobs occurs.

By nature, men are predominate meat eaters of society. This is a perfectly fine role to play in life, when kept to a sensible level. A large percentage of meat that makes its way onto the grocery store shelves come from farms that house meat cows. As these cows are being contained at the farms, they undergo a level of preparation to get ready to be slaughtered for meat products.

Part of this preparation process is being injected with female growth hormones. By the time the meat source reaches a man’s plate, it already contains a significant amount of estrogen hormone. When this is mixed with estrogen the man may have already been exposed to through the environmental toxins and other sources, the level of estrogen in his body is at high level. The body reads this high estrogen level and acts accordingly. In males, this presents itself through the presence of man boobs.

Potatoes are considered carbohydrates. Ask anyone who jumped on the Adkins Diet bandwagon and they will tell you that too many carbohydrates are a bad, bad thing. In order to properly consume carbohydrates without an adverse affect, a level of physical activity must be maintained. The thought process here is that a person must burn off more than their body ingests during a day. Men with regular diets of potatoes often do not have that high level of physical activity as an offset affect. Carbohydrates that are not burned turn into fat. Fat must be deposited somewhere and in men that somewhere very well could end up being man boobs.

Sweets and Sugars
Everyone loves a little piece of something sweet and sugary every once in awhile. Men are no exception to this. Be warned however that these food items taste so good in part because they are loaded with sugar and salt to provide that sweet, crave able taste. As with any other food source, too much of a good thing can turn bad. When sweet, sugary food is consumed in great amounts with little or no physical activity to burn it off, men run the risk of a fat deposit build up.

All food is good in moderation. Many of the things discussed here do not need to be cut out of a diet entirely. The key is for men to understand how these indulgences can trigger the unwanted presences of man boobs.

Copyright 2008, All Rights Reserved

Food, Drink and the Man Boob Connection

Man boobs, or moobs as it is sometimes referred as, is the unwanted development of breasts in a male. This can be from a number of varying factors. One such factor is the food and drinks that a man chooses to place inside his mouth. In society, men are often viewed as the ‘meat and potato’ eaters of the world. While this is not necessarily a bad thing, it can lead to the development of man boobs over time.

While man boobs can develop in any male age group, the most common one is men in the 40 to 50 year old age range. On the whole, man boobs are simply fatty tissue deposits that do not go away. This can explain the appearance later on in a man’s life. Food and beverage consumption over time increases estrogen levels in the male body. Left untreated, the breast tissue hardens and becomes a self esteem issue for males. It is difficult for a man to feel attractive to members of the opposite sex with the development of man boobs on his chest. In turn, many women do not find this to be an attractive feature in a man either.

Several food sources are linked to the contribution of man boobs. At the top of this list are meat products. The contamination comes not so much from the meat itself but from the meat source, i.e. cows. Many meat production plants inject cows with growth hormones in order to stimulate the growth cycle of the cow. A bigger cow leads to more money in meat products. A majority of that growth hormone injection is filled with estrogen. In a man who is a huge meat eater, this can cause a problem. Especially if that man is also overweight. The digestion of estrogen filled meat will increase the level of estrogen found in a male body. As this estrogen level increases the body reacts in a normal way by producing man boobs. In some cases, this can even lead to the secretion of milk from the enlarged breast tissues.

Soy is another product that should be avoided whenever possible. In a bean form, soy contains certain levels of plant estrogen. Levels of soy plant estrogen can not generate a pure estrogen behavioral or psychological response in the body. However, the body can be fooled by plant estrogen into thinking it is actually receiving pure estrogen. With the feeling of this in a system, the body is going to produce natural estrogen inducing results, i.e. man boobs.

Virtually every man likes to kick back and have a beer with his buddies every once in awhile. This is not harmful in moderation but it can be something that contributes to the development of man boobs if it goes unchecked. The principle is simple. Beer drinking lowers the levels of testosterone in the male body and increases the levels of estrogen which is a female hormone.

For a couple of drinks on an occasional basis with the boys, this will prove to have no long term effect. However for a male who has a significantly high beer intake level, over time the estrogen levels will continue to build in the body. As this occurs, the body will begin to treat this high level accordingly by developing breast tissue. The end result is man boobs.

The development of man boobs is not limited to beer intake. Alcohol in general, when consumed in large quantities, can also play a role in development. As alcoholic beverages are ingested, testosterone levels start to decrease within the body. Ingredients in the alcohol mix with the body chemicals to send estrogen levels on the rise. Over time, the body can not determine that the estrogen levels are coming from alcohol intake. The end result is unwanted man boob development.

Recreational Drugs
Engaging in the recreational use of marijuana can also lead to the development of man boobs. The active ingredient in this drug is TCH which is a testosterone suppressant. With nothing to build up testosterone levels, the body will naturally turn to estrogen production. Fat deposits continue to grow and eventually turn into the development of man boobs.

The presence of man boobs is rapidly increasing in society. There is not the stigma attached to it today as there was several years ago. Processed food certainly plays a role in this. More and more of our food products are over processed with chemicals. Alcohol consumption is on the rise as well. Many men are not going to give up the ‘meat and potato’ style of eating. So as with anything else in life, food and beverage consumption in moderation is the key to preventing the unwanted development of man boobs.

Copyright 2008, All Rights Reserved

Exercise Can Make the Difference

The onset of man boobs can be enough to send a man screaming into the streets. The more likely scenario will have the man hiding out from family, friends and life in general.

First of all, man boobs is a common condition among males between the ages of 40 to 50 years old. In some cases teenage boys develop the presence of man boobs however this is generally attributed to puberty. Once puberty is completed, the man boobs disappear and life can return to normal. For the other percentage of the male population that suffers from this condition, it is an embarrassing way to walk through life.

Self esteem plummets as self perception is not likely high with the appearance of something that belongs on a woman’s body being part of a man’s body. It does not have to be this way. There are things that can be done and steps a man can take to regain his life from man boobs.

One of the best ways to combat man boobs is through diet and exercise. Many of the foods men love to eat can be attributed to the development of man boobs. The food items by themselves would not be an issue. When the damaging food is combined with a rather sedentary lifestyle that is when the problem sets in. For men looking to avoid going under the knife in a surgical procedure, there are a few general exercise rules of thumb that can be followed to make man boobs disappear.

Various exercises will help reduce the appearance of man boobs. The key is to know what exercises will strengthen the back and chest muscles. Once those have been identified, it is time to hit the gym and start working on that muscle. With the improved development of muscle mass comes a higher level of testosterone in the male body. This will naturally counteract any estrogen levels present in the body and start to shrink that over developed male breast tissue.

Repetition Drills
Some of the greatest exercises for the reduction of man boobs do not involve the gym or weight equipment. These are exercises that can be done from the comfort of a man’s home. For this reason, many start at this point relieved to not have to endure the pressure and stares that might occur at a local gym or fitness club.

A great place to start is with a wide arm press up exercise. This is similar to a normal press up exercise. The exception here is that arms need to be out at twice the shoulder width with fingers pointing forwards. Next is a dumb bell chest press. Here a man lies on a bench or other flat surface with arms extended outward over the shoulders towards the ceiling. Slowly lower the dumb bells until they reach chest level. Draw elbows towards the floor while pulling the dumb bells toward the chest. Complete the movement by pushing the dumb bells back into the starting position. Repeat as often as desired.

Cardio Workouts
Cardio exercise is one of the best ways to burn fat and shape muscle. For male sufferers of man boobs, this is music to their ears. When a cardio workout program is combined with weight training, man boobs do not stand a chance of sticking around. By itself, cardio enables the body to burn an extreme amount of calories in a short period of time. This is desired for men looking to remove excess fat from the body.

Cardio workouts are going to include anything that gets a man’s heart rate up, sweat going and body in motion. This can include aerobic activity, bike riding, running or jumping jacks to name a few. The ideal cardio session should last at least 20 minutes. This gives a body enough time to warm up, start burning calories and cool down a little bit.

When all else fails, get outside and hit the playing field. Tennis, basketball and soccer are great physical activities that work the entire body. Anything that will engage the body in a form of physical activity for a period of 20 minutes or more will burn the fat needed to get rid of unwanted man boobs.

Although man boobs are an undesirable part of a man’s life, there is plenty that can be done about it. With a few simple changes to diet and exercise, those man boobs will disappear in no time. So remember to get up, get out and get moving. Soon the next thing moving on will be the man boobs.

Copyright 2008, All Rights Reserved

Environmental Causes of Man Boobs

An environment is the world that we live in. It is comprised of everything around us. Everything that we breathe, see and hear is all part of this world. In order to exist in this environment, we develop a lifestyle. That lifestyle can be active or sedentary, whichever we chose. As long as we are happy with that lifestyle and the environment, there is no real harm being done. Or is there?
Underlying factors affect the foods we eat, the water we drink and the air we breathe. All of this can have a direct affect on the human body. For males, environmental and lifestyle factors can lead to the development of man boobs.

Although this is a common condition in men, it is a rather embarrassing one. Man boobs are basically fat deposits that exist on breast tissues. The average age range for developing man boobs are men between the ages of 40 to 50 years old. This is not to say that teenagers and younger adults can not be subjected to this as well.

As the need for processed foods rises, the amount of chemicals placed into the environment also rises. Chemical exposure takes the form of animal injected hormones, soy product materials and traces of contraceptive birth control pills entering into the water systems. All of these scenarios are present in different locations within the environment. There is one common fact among all three however, estrogen.

Estrogen is a female hormone that maintains the development of breast tissue in a woman’s chest. Most women have a low level of testosterone in their bodies. The balance between the two works to regulate the female body. When this same situation occurs in a man’s body, the same thing happens. Breast tissue growth begins development. Whereas this is a necessary part of a woman maturing, it is an undesirable affect in a man.

Population across the globe is on the rise. With this population growth is the emission of toxins into the air supply. Research indicates that these toxins lower the amount of testosterone found in the male body. As the testosterone levels decrease, estrogen levels increase. This hormone change is what increases fat deposits in the breast tissue area. Another area that receives these deposits is the glandular tissue located in the pectorals. These fat deposits create the presence of man boobs.

Another contributing factor to the development of man boobs is lifestyle choice. This can include everything from being a fitness nut to the master couch potato resident. Deciding whether to maintain an active or sedentary lifestyle is a matter of personal choice. However, it is a choice that can affect whether or not a man gets those dreaded man boobs.

For a man who spends a majority of his day lounging on the couch munching on chips and other sweet treat with little or no physical activity, the development of man boobs should come as no surprise. When the lack of physical activity exists in a man’s life combined with eating sweet, sugary foods, there are only so many places the fat deposits can go.

On the other side of this spectrum is the man who spent many days of his younger life inside the gym. All of this working out netted him a physically fit body that often includes an attractive 6 pack abs display. As the years went on, his active gym life became a thing of the past. Now he’s faced with a middle-aged body showing the early signs of man boob sagging. Granted the level of extreme gym living does not necessarily need to be maintained throughout life. However, once there is no longer the attempt to maintain muscle development earned, that muscle will eventually turn to fat. That fat will in turn become man boobs.

In a given day we spend a lot of time in a seated position. This takes place in the car driving to and from work. Once at work, we are seated at a desk for eight hours or more. Then it is back in the car for the drive home. All of this puts a strain on back muscles. As the back muscles weaken, the shoulder muscles buckle under extra pressure. This puts added pressure on the chest muscles. With weakened chest muscles comes man boobs. Making the conscious decision to sit up a little straighter can make all the difference in the world.

There are certain things that a man can not change about life. One of the most prominent being the environment he lives in. Other things like physical activity in a given day can be controlled. Making that extra effort in a lifestyle can have a big impact on a man’s life.

Copyright 2008, All Rights Reserved

When too Much Alcohol is a Bad Thing for Men

Nearly every man enjoys meeting the guys at a bar to throw back a few beers and watch the game. While this is not a bad lifestyle choice and can be stress relieving, it can spell harm down the road. That harm may come in the form of man boobs. Basically stated, man boobs are stored fat deposits that harden over time and can not be broken down. These fat deposits occur in pectoral or breast tissue areas. The end result is fatty breast tissue with puffy and discolored nipples.

The average male age group is between the ages of 40 to 50 years old. However this is not the only age group affected. Teenage boys often show signs of man boob development. Unlike the traditional thought process of development by obesity, in teenage boys the cause is mostly due to puberty. Once puberty has been completed, the man boobs disappear and life can go on as planned.

For those men who still have post-pubescent man boobs, life is anything but normal. Their self esteem takes a major hit due to shame over physical appearance. Women rarely find the presence of man boobs attractive. Therefore it can be hard for men to get dates or maintain a healthy sex life.

One of the biggest contributors to the development of man boobs is beer and alcohol. Both beverages contain high amounts of estrogen, a female hormone. Consuming large quantities of either beverage over time can cause a build up of estrogen in the male body. As time progresses and estrogen build up continues, the body is diluted into thinking that it needs to process those levels of estrogen. As a result, man boobs begins to develop.

Beer ranks at the top of the man boob creation list due to its content of hops. A hop is a plant used to create beer. Like soy beans, this plant contains a phytoestrogens. This level of phytoestrogens works to give off the presence of regular female estrogen in the male body. In fact, the levels of estrogen in hops are so high that many female ‘breast enhancement’ products contain high doses of the plant. Over time as the estrogen levels continue to rise with more beer consumption, the body begins to read these levels and reacts.

Another reason beer should be avoided when possible is calories. Beer contains empty calories that are extremely hard to burn off. For that reason, many men sport a beer belly to go with their man boobs. In order to drink beer without reaping the negative male effects, an active fitness routine should be maintained. The absence of this will leave the fat no place to go except for the chest area.

Like beer, alcohol contains an extreme amount of empty calories. Different types of alcohol contain different levels of empty calories. For example, a small glass of wine will logically have fewer calories than a quart of beer. However, over time it all adds up and goes to the same place. Therefore, beer is not the only thing to blame for causing the development of man boobs.

As an example, a pint of beer consists of 200 calories. The average male should maintain a daily caloric intake of 1,850. It is easy to see how after three or four pints are consumed what this would do to a calorie-monitored diet.

As if empty calories were not enough to contend with, alcohol counteracts testosterone. When present in the male body, testosterone levels are reduced. The estrogen levels present in alcoholic beverages take over and wreak havoc on the male body. If the man already has man boobs, excessive consumption of alcohol will cause the boobs to increase in size.

Beer and alcohol are great in social settings. Sometimes at the end of a hectic day, nothing can take the edge off like a cold beer or glass of wine. There is nothing wrong with that. The key here is moderation. When taken in moderation as part of an active lifestyle, chances are that nothing will come of the empty calories. If the only estrogen laced products going into a man’s mouth is from beer and alcohol, then man boobs should not be a pressing concern.

It becomes a concern for the man who has a large portion of daily intake from processed meat, carbohydrates and sweet, sugary foods. Add beer and alcohol to this mix and the outlook is not good. There are a few things to consider. Cut down alcohol and beer intake. Switch to a low calorie selection if possible. Perhaps consider quitting drinking altogether.

Copyright 2008, All Rights Reserved

Taking a Look at Man Boobs

Man boobs can be an extreme source of entertainment for members of the outside world. For the man who suffers from the condition, there is nothing to laugh about. Everyday life is wrought with obstacles like how to get out of a pool party invitation to wearing bulky sweaters in the heat of the summer.

It is a condition known as Gynecomastia in the medical world. It is common among males between the ages of 40 to 50 years old. Teenage boys are also prone to the development of man boobs. As the boys outgrow puberty the man boobs typically disappear. For many more men however, man boobs simply become a hated part of daily life.


There are no scientifically proven factors that the medical profession has been able to pinpoint as the cause of man boobs. Over time and evaluation of lifestyle, environment and general well being of men, it became apparent that there were some distinct causes at the root of man boob development.


First on the list is identifying the situation as being a medical condition known as Gynecomastia. In this instance, the male mammary glands grow to an unusually large size. As the glands increase in size so does the breast tissue. The end result is the development in boobs for a man. Treatment programs include prescription medications that counteract the high levels of estrogen present in a male body. Other medications are those that are used to treat female breast cancer. This doe not mean a man has cancer. It is simply an effective way to begin reducing the affects of excessive breast tissue in the body.

Food Products

Another possible cause of man boob development can be found in the surrounding environment and lifestyle of a man. In general, men consume more meat products than women do. There is an increasing risk of processed foods containing unknown chemical agents. One such chemical is female growth hormone. This is injected into meat and dairy cows to richen the quality of product given to consumers. Over time, the estrogen builds up in a man’s system as the levels of testosterone fall. This causes fat deposits which eventually turn into man boobs. This is a common cause in men who consume large portions of meat on a daily basis with no physical activity to reduce the effects of the meat consumption.


Population growth rates are surging in virtually every corner of the globe. With this rise in population comes the emission of toxins into the environment. When toxic chemicals from car exhausts and factory pipes are emitted into the air, it is injected into the body through the air that is breathed in. Research has indicted that the presence of toxins in the environment has a direct affect on the reduction of testosterone levels in males. Low testosterone levels mixed with high levels of estrogen result in the development of man boobs.

What to Avoid

Outside of Gynecomastia which is a genetic cause of man boobs, there are steps a man can take in everyday life to lessen the chances of developing man boobs.

At the top of this list is the consumption of certain food products that have shown to be high in estrogen levels. Soy products are one of the biggest sources of estrogen. The plant estrogen present in soy deceives the body into thinking it is digesting pure estrogen. Other food products to avoid when possible are sweet, sugary things such as chips, candy and chocolate. Alcohol and beer should also be avoided when possible. These beverages contain high amounts of empty calories and estrogen.

Perhaps the best thing for men to avoid in deterring man boobs is a sedentary lifestyle. The more physical activity a man can squeeze into a day the better.

Getting Rid of

There are three basic ways to get rid of man boobs. The first is through a surgical procedure such as liposuction. The recovery period is minimal and physical appearance changes are evident once the bandages come off. As mentioned earlier, exercise and physical activity can go a long way to reduce the appearance of man boobs. Cardio workouts and those targeting the development of chest muscle mass are ideal. Outside of these two options there are numerous programs available online to get rid of man boobs. Each features step by step program guidelines on successful changes that can be made in a man’s life.

Man boobs are no laughing matter to the millions of men suffering from the condition. Regardless of what the underlying cause is, men are just eager to find a solution that gives them back their life.

Copyright 2008, All Rights Reserved

Geting Rid of Man Boobs

There are three basic ways to get rid of man boobs. The first is through a surgical procedure such as liposuction. The recovery period is minimal and physical appearance changes are evident once the bandages come off. As mentioned earlier, exercise and physical activity can go a long way to reduce the appearance of man boobs. Cardio workouts and those targeting the development of chest muscle mass are ideal. Outside of these two options there are numerous programs available online to get rid of man boobs. Each features step by step program guidelines on successful changes that can be made in a man’s life.

The best online programs are
1)The Get This Off My Chest NOW program
Trey Jones will show you how he used basic insider methods, Muscle magazines, owned by the large supplemental companies, didn't want you to hear about, to eliminate his Man Boobs literally in weeks! Man Boobs that he had carried for 32 long and miserable years. Using the advanced methods, he was able to eliminate his pot belly too... He finally found the 6 pack. It was there all along. Who knew?

2) Lose Man Boobs
Let Cliff Manchester guide you to eliminating Man Boobs completely naturally so you will never feel self-conscious about your body again!
Cliff discovered some unique techniques and even developed a few all-natural ones of my own. He tested all kinds of new stuff, filtered out what didn't work and just kept what did.

Copyright 2008, All Rights Reserved